Media Licensing Co. specialises in working with media owners, to pro-actively increase their content revenue streams and to protect their copyright. We are the UK's leading independent media licensing agency, with in-depth experience of working as a syndication partner.
Generating Revenue
Traditionally, publishers have not maximised the full benefit of licensing their content, concentrating quite naturally on primary revenue streams, such as advertising and subscriptions.
Media Licensing Co. is structured to provide the focus this sector needs, in order to generate the maximum potential revenue. We pride ourselves on delivering an efficient and sensitive service, which enhances and protects the publisher’s brand and reputation at all times.
We work with a number of national newspapers and magazine publishers, largely in the UK, but with licensing deals sold across the US, Asia and Europe.
If you're interested in our service and want to find out more, please give us a call or fill in our 'Request a briefing' form.
We will take no more than 30 minutes of your time, at which point we will give you an honest assessment of your revenue potential.
Protecting Copyright
The breaking of copyright law is widespread in this sector, primarily because media owners don't have the resources to police it. In many cases content violators are unaware that a law has been broken and those that are aware, believe the transgression to be trivial.
We have considerable experience in dealing with copyright offenders and as a result, we're usually able to get unlicensed content removed and encouragingly, we regularly turn it into a revenue generation opportunity.
At all times, we're sensitive to the issue that some trangressors may also be advertisers, therefore we approach the issue with a significant amount of diplomacy.